
PART 2: We’re going to look at these two pictures. The control center is situated in the brainstem. This is the brainstem right there, can see that? And this is your spinal cord. This is the midbrain, this is the brainstem. When this guy, the brainstem, is overactive or over firing due to chemical imbalance in all the brain, this guy here is out of control. In other words, it starts firing because the midbrain tells the lower brainstem, hey, calm down, guy, you under my control. I am the CEO. So, if the lower brainstem is over or beyond control, you start being hypersensitive. Muscles, ligaments, joints, organs, skin irritability, everything would be on fire because they are not controlled. Your peripheral nerves, your pain fibers, they’re called the C-fibers, they start over-firing, and you become hypersensitive to touch.

If anyone touches you, you go into 3 or 4 days of increased symptoms because this guy is not being inhibited or calmed down. How many of you are familiar with this picture? Good. What’s this? This is our body representation. It’s called the homunculus distribution. Fancy word. What this means is that this is our body representation in our brain, ladies and gentlemen. Your body lives in your brain. The world needs to understand this. You cannot disregard the brain.

“My elbow hurts, Doctor.” ” Did you break it?” “No.” “Did you fall?” “No.” “Did your wife hit you with a frying pan?” “No.” “Whatever it is, my elbow hurts.” Watch. Very important slide. This is a cross section of the brain. They took the brain and they sliced a piece of it, and they studied this for decades. This is not new. They have been studying this for decades. For example, let’s take a look at the elbow. This is where the elbow lives in the brain. So in other words, your brain tells your elbow to move. Elbow has no function on its own. Does that make sense to you?

You take, for example, people come to me and tell me that my tongue is vibrating or twitching… Look where the tongue lives. In the brain. You can see it here. Watch. Tongue, lips, Nose, etc. We are, what we call a topographical map in our brain. Whatever happens in your hard drive, it’s going to affect every single cell in your body, every single organ. Beautiful information, isn’t it? “Right brain, left brain?” Great question. This is one area… One area is for the motor activity, which means one area tells your limbs to move, and one area, you feel in it. All right, we’re going to proceed here. So what happens if you don’t do anything about the fibromyalgia? The longer you leave fibromyalgia, the more your brain dies. We saw this earlier. 9.5 times the loss of normal aging. It increases long-term, widespread pain, stiffness and rheumatic syndromes. Arthritis, osteo-arthritis. It increases systemic inflammation. Why? Because your body is on fire. You decrease in energy level and your ability to carry on your daily activities. No one would like to do that. Increase in anxiety, more difficult to sleep. A lot of people come to me, and say, “I can’t sleep, Doctor I have insomnia.” More and more crippling symptoms, very debilitating disease.

Very key points here, physiological facts: brain electricity, ladies and gentlemen is the marker of life. If your brain is not firing properly, there is no proper life. Very deep understanding. The presence of a charge distinguishes between life and death. That’s why, if you see a dead body, no life. There’s no charge, it’s not firing, it is gone, that’s it, life has left, but if we are living, our brain is firing, but it has to file the right way so that it keeps us coordinated. The brain can lose speed of firing. For example, if you want to think of something, you can’t think of it. It can misfire distorted signals. Wrong pathways, and have slower conductivity to all organs and systems.

For example, if one and one is two, but with someone with fibromyalgia, one and one is ten because they are hypersensitive. They can’t assess, they don’t know the magnitude of the signal. Your brain perceives pain more than it should and is not able to regulate. For fibromyalgia sufferers it can be so bad that one plus zero equals ten because it takes a little stimulation to make them feel extreme, extreme pain. So ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of this discussion is to allow you to make educated decisions beyond what you’ve been told or diagnosed with. It’s not what doctors tell you, or “Okay, I have a diagnosis, I have fibromyalgia. ” No, that’s not what it is. It’s beyond that. This is knowledge that can change your life forever. Very, very profound.
